A Reader in All Saints, Vendée reflects on a parish interregnum

Reader John Matthews When a parish is awaiting the appointment of a new priest it can be a trying and anxious time. Very often the spiritual leadership falls upon a Reader if a parish is lucky enough to count on such an authorised lay minister. All Saints Vendée in France is seeking a new priest-in-charge. While the search continues, Reader John Matthews wrote the following in the parish magazine, to encourage his fellow parishioers and remind them of their own vital ministry at this time. It is a helpful reflection for any of our congregations going through this "in-between time" and I am grateful to John for his permission to share his thoughts on this blog: In St Luke's Gospel chapter 5 Jesus calls Simon Peter, James and John as disciples. All were fishermen and Jesus tells them 'Don't be afraid, from now on you will be catching people'. I suspect that not many of us in All Saints Vendée are fishermen, so what do you regard as your major strength, ...