
Showing posts from October, 2012

November 2012 Book Reviews

Here are nine engaging volumes to keep you busy this November. Among them is an important new work to help with the Christian's apologetic task in countering questions raised by the new athiesm. There are volumes of thoughtful comment on Western society, including one which will be the last book by Rowan Williams as Archbishop of Canterbury. Two Biblical studies are included, one from a popular perspective and another quite dense and scholarly. Included is a reprint of a ground-breaking study on the Church and same-sex relations which will keep you up-to-date on an important perspective on this issue. For a change of pace there is an enlightening study of Da Vinci's Last Supper mural. If you get into this November reading list chances are you will not have time to do much else! The introductions below are again based on the excellent reviews by Dr Martin Davie, the Bishops' Theological Advisor. As one of the books is a fascinating review of the contribution of Germany ...

Churchwardens training in Hamburg

Claire Clausen (Copenhagen), Hellen King-Scott (Heidelberg), Archdeacon Jonathan LLoyd, Eric Jarman (Stuttgart) and John Thompson (Stuttgart) Churchwarden is the most ancient elected office in Europe which still continues to this day. The main responsibilities of a Churchwarden for key aspects of parochial life have remained largely unchanged for over 7 centuries, but the details of how the office is exercised have of course changed as the laws and rules of the Church have evolved.   Fourteen Churchwardens from our parishes in Germany, Latvia, Finland, Denmark and Sweden gathered for 24 hours for a training session on their duties on 26 and 27 October. Meeting at St Thomas Becket Church in Hamburg, the course was led by Archdeacon Jonathan LLoyd and the Reverend Matthew Jones, Chaplain at Hamburg. The course covered the nuts and bolts of the duties of the churchwarden - terrier, logbook, externally-examined accounts, stipend review and more - a...

Hurricane Sandy damages the Haitian parish supported by the Diocese in Europe

Pupils at ND de l'Annonciation School A quick update for people and churches of the diocese in Europe which have given support towards the rebuilding of the (Episcopal or Anglican) parish school of Notre Dame de lā€™Annonciation in Port-au-Prince Haiti.  As readers will know Hurricane Sandy has hit Jamaica and then moved across Cuba and Haiti yesterday. 10,000 Haitians have been displaced by the storm and so far 9 persons have been found dead in that country. Late last night (25 October) I received a text message from PĆØre Jean Fils ChĆ©ry, the vicar of the parish which we supported with funds raised from a diocesan appeal. He said, ā€œHere weā€™re under storm Sandy, we lost or worship space, the roof of our preschool has been destroyed and a tree falls and destroys the toilet of the school. May lost, many damages. My family is safe. Keep us in prayersā€. Please pray for our sisters and brothers affected by yet another natural disaster. God of goodness and love, in whom we ca...

A pocket sized resource for pastoral ministry

In the past 12 years the Church of England's liturgical life has been greatly enriched with the publication of prayers, services and rites which are authorised or commended as alternatives or supplements to the Book of Common Prayer. I refer, of course, to the resources known as Common Worship.  What we have now is an embarras de richesses, which can occupy 7 or 8 volumes on our bookshelves! For clergy and lay ministers there is is not generally time to extract all you might need from these volumes as you head out the door to respond to an emergency or urgent need, say a sudden illness, injury or death. And certainly one does not want to be carrying two or more heavy volumes as you go! Church House Publishing has now addressed this situation with the compilation of a slim, light-weight volume, which contains the essentials that will be required in such pastoral circumstances. It is called Common Worship: A Pastoral Ministry Companion. It is durable enough (wi...

Ministry Team Administrator: Farewell to Margaret, welcome to Debbie

Margaret Jeffery Margaret Jeffery has served as the Administrator for the Diocesan Ministry Team for several years. She is well known to our postulants, ordinands, curates and readers in training for she has been a key point of contact and support for those who are in any stage of discernment, selection or training for ordained or lay ministry. Her duties include giving administrative support to the Director of Training and the Director of Ordinands, and to me in my role as chairman of the Ministry Team of the Diocese. In November Margaret will be retiring and is presently handing over responsibilities to Debbie Cunningham who has been appointed as her successor. At the Vocations Seminar held in Woking from 9 - 11 October, Margaret and Debbie were both able to be present, which gave an ideal opportunity for some practical hand-over experience. It was a chance for us to thank Margaret for her outstanding support over the years. We are delighted that she has every intention of ...

An Anniversary

17 October is the feast of St Ignatius of Antioch. He was the second bishop of that city in Syria and was martyred in Rome in the year 107, torn apart by two lions. On his journey to Rome he wrote seven letters to various churches, in which he defended the true teaching handed down by the  Apostles, so that the brothers and sisters in the early Christian communities, (and we are their spiritual descendants) would keep from being led astray by false doctrine.     St Ignatius of Antioch and his teaching mean much to me. On this day, 10 years ago in Southwark Cathedral, I was consecrated a bishop.  Feed us, O Lord, with the living bread and make us drink deep of the cup of salvation that, following the teaching of your bishop Ignatius and rejoicing in the faith with which he embraced a martyr's death, we may be nourished for that eternal life for which he longed; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

In the stall of Edith Cavell: the Revd Canon Barbara Moss

We took advantage of the Revd Barbara Moss being present at the Diocesan Vocations Seminar last week to have her formally collated as a Canon of the Cathedral Chapter of the Diocese. This took place at the opening eucharist, at which Bishop Geoffrey presided, in the chapel of St Columba's Conference Centre in Woking. Canon Moss, the chaplain of St Andrew's Gothenburg, Sweden, will later be seated in the stall of  Edith Cavell in the Pro-Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Brussels. She will be the first occupant of this new stall. Edith Cavell was a nurse serving in Belgium during World War I, and was a member of Holy Trinity, Brussels. She was shot by a German firing squad on 12 October 1915 following her arrest and court-martial for helping some 200 Allied  soldiers  escape from the German occupation. On the night before her execution, the chaplain of Holy Trinity, the Revd Stirling Gahan, gave her Holy Communion. She told Fr Gahan that nigh t, "Patriotism is not e...

Postulants from Grand Canary to Moscow explore vocation to the sacred ministry

Fr William Gulliford gives guidance to the postulants for Holy Orders The Diocesan Vocations Seminar was held in St Columba's House in Woking from 9 - 11 October. This is the annual event where postulants for Holy Orders gather for some intense days of discernment led by the Director of Ordinands, the Revd William Gulliford. Fr William is assisted by the bishops, the Director of Training, the Revd Canon Ulla Monberg, and some assistant Directors of Ordinands. This year those assistant Directors of Ordinands were the Revd Canon Hugh Broad from Costa CĆ”lida, Spain, and the Revd Canon Barbara Moss from Gothenburg, Sweden. This year's postulants were men and women from Spain (mainland and Canaries), Russia, France and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The days at the Seminar are full, with interviews for each postulant which focus on each of the nine criteria for selection for Holy Orders in the Church of England. There are also group exercises and input from former...

Reader Angela Mirani gives spiritual leadership in St John the Baptist Varese

Candidates celebrate their confirmation day in Varese   There are a couple of congregations in the diocese which, not having a resident priest, are given spiritual and liturgical leadership by a licensed Reader. One such congregation is St John the Baptist, Varese, in the Italian  lake district, close to the border with Switzerland. There Mrs Angela Mirani leads regular services of the word, preaches, teaches, provides pastoral care, and ensures at least monthly eucharists by inviting neighbouring priests from Milan and across the border in Lugano. Dedicated lay (and volunteer!) ministry such Angela's is a vital part of the life of our Diocese in Europe and bears much fruit. Evidence of this can be seen in celebrations such as was held on 6 October when several candidates for confirmation which Angela  had prepared received that sacrament, joined by another parishioner who, having been already confirmed, was received into the Church of England from the Roman Catholi...

Jack Noonan admitted as a Reader

Left to Right: Jack Noonan, Bishop Geoffrey, Fr Yates, Archdeacon Curran. (Photo: Ricky Yates) On the Feast of St Michael and All Angels, Jack Noonan was admitted as a reader in the Church of England and licensed to serve in St Clement's Prague. The service was during the synod of the Archdeaconry of the East, which was held in Athens. Archdeacon Patrick Curran presided at the service, at which Bishop Geoffrey licensed Jack, who will serve in St Clement's under the direction of the chaplain, the Revd Ricky Yates. Like all readers in the Diocese, Jack was interviewed and selected for this ministry and then undertook a course of study consisting of 6 modules, delivered through St John's College, Nottingham. The course of study, which includes practical training in liturgics and preaching, normally lasts from 2 to 3 years.  At the Sunday Eucharist in St Paul's Athens, which concluded the Archdeaconry Synod, members of the congregation were able to greet Jack, and w...

New Disciples, Mission Engagement, Ecumenism in Midi-PyrƩnƩes & Aude

Confirmations are a regular part of the annual cycle of church life in the Anglican parish of  Midi-PyrĆ©nĆ©es and Aude  in the South-West of France. It was a joy, once again, to celebrate the commitment taken by these new disciples of Jesus Christ, in the midst of their families, friends and fellow parishioners at a festive service in Toulouse on 16 September.  The parish is deeply committed to ecumenical life, even providing key leadership for music and cultural events in the community. One such event coincided with my parish visit when over 400 people (including the Archbishop of Toulouse) attended a musical evening in a city church which was organised in large part by musicians from the Anglican church. It was entitled L'Orgue en Folie and featured organ, voices and even lasers! Funds raised at the event were given towards the restoration of a historic organ in that RC parish church.  In addition, this active chaplaincy, in partnership with our Roman Ca...

Developing Brussels & Leuven as theological centres in the Diocese

Canon Dr Jack McDonald and Canon Ulla Monberg at the Chapel of the Resurrection A day of consultation was held in Brussels last week involving the Director of Training, the Revd Canon Ulla Monberg, the Revd Canon Dr Jack McDonald, Canon Theologian at the Pro-Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Brussels and priest-in-charge of Saints Mary and Martha, Leuven, the Revd Canon Dr Robert Innes, the Chancellor of the Pro-Cathedral and myself.  We explored the potential for training offered by theological faculties in Leuven, and the possibility of working with Roman Catholic, Lutheran and Orthodox partners in developing a lay theological centre for reflection, dialogue and formation, based at the Chapelle de la Resurrection which is situated at the heart of the EU institutions in Brussels.  The Chapel of the Resurrection is also known as the Chapel for Europe. It is a place for all Christians working in the European Institutions and seeks to be a place of ecumenical ...

The Revd Anne Jenkins appointed to the Anglican parish of Costa Brava

One of our newer congregations in the diocese has just received their first resident priest. The Revd  Anne Jenkins has been appointed Priest-in-Charge of the Anglican Church of Stephen, Madremanya, Costa Brava, Spain. She formally began her ministry on 29 September, when she was licensed by the Area Dean, the Revd Canon Hugh Broad. Anne was previously  Vicar of St. Margaret and All Hallows, Leeds, in the diocese of Ripon and Leeds. St Stephen's began its life about 10 years ago, and has been lay-led and directed over these years, under the steady guidance of Reader John Copestake. The sacraments have been provided during this time by visiting clergy. About 5 years ago, the congregation embarked on a plan to work towards appointing their first resident priest, and through their faithful planning and stewardship, that day has arrived. The people of St Stephen's are to be congratulated for their vision and joint effort.  At present services are held in an ancient Chu...

Jeanne French retires

After more than 18 years of service to the Diocese in Europe, Mrs Jeanne French, the Assistant Diocesan Secretary, retired last week. Jeanne was known to virtually all the clergy of the diocese, as well as to the churchwardens and PCC secretaries, as she has been the key link in the diocesan office for matters related to vacancies, appointments and locum ministry. Our churches and congregations have come to rely on her wisdom and her vast knowledge of our diocese and the challenges of ministry. She has been an invaluable source of advice to everyone from bishops to curates. We wish Jeanne every blessing in retirement.

October 2012 Book Reviews

Autumn is fully upon us in the northern hemisphere, and longer nights mean more time for reflective reading. Here are reviews of 7 new volumes which may be of interest. The range is wide: from Black Liberation Theology to Old Testament Study. There is a fascinating work from Archbishop Rowan Williams on the work of CS Lewis. (Where does the Archbishop find time to write!) For those in training for ministry or who are themselves training clergy and lay ministers, there is an important new manual. And there is an important volume on pastoral responses to homosexuality from a distinctly Evangelical perspective. Inclusion on this monthly list does not mean I endorse all the views contained in any of these books, by the way. As always I am grateful to Dr Martin Davie, the Bishops' Theological Advisor, for the basis of these reviews. GenieƟen Sie diese BĆ¼cher! For the reviews, click the  read more  button.