Gaza: some analysis and an appeal

Al Ahli Hospital, Gaza: A project of the Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East In the midst of various news reports and statements about current crisis in Gaza, I have found the following statement from Christian Aid, This is not about Gaza, to be a helpful and insightful comment, recalling some wider facts which are often overlooked. It calls clearly for an end to impunity for those who carry out attacks on civilians. Christian Aid is the relief and development agency sponsored by the major non-Roman Catholic UK Churches, Anglican, Methodist, Orthodox, Reformed, Baptist, Independent and others. It works in close alliance with CAFOD, the Roman Catholic relief and development agency. Former Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, is presently the chairman of the Christian Aid board. This diocese in Europe has partnered with Christian Aid, most recently in raising funds for an education project for Afghan women and girls, through our Lent Appeal. I quote ...