Reception Centre to support refugees at remote lighthouse on Lesvos.

I am very pleased to report on Eurobishop this significant project outlined below. I take this from the website of Us, the mission agency with whom we have been working in recent months, with regard to the refugee crisis. The actual Us material is on their website here . I cannot speak highly enough of this partnership with Us which has been vital in enabling our Church to respond to the crisis, particularly in Greece. ___________________________________________________________ The Diocese in Europe and the Anglican mission agency Us (formerly USPG) are to give funding to an emergency centre for refugees at the remote Pharos Lighthouse on the Greek island of Lesvos. The refugees arrive cold and wet having crossed 15 kilometres from Turkey, typically making the journey in small rubber boats crowded with up to 50 people in each. Many make this dangerous crossing at night to avoid the Turkish coastguards that patrol during the day. They come mostly from Syria, Iraq and Afgh...