Growth, faith, and good wine in St Pargoire

I have been to Church Council meetings in many different places, but none quite so unusual as this one during my recent visit to the English Church at St Pargoire, in France. The meeting was in a warehouse belonging to a parishioner, Simon Caulshaw, who happens also to be a vintner, producing excellent vins du terroir , in this part of deepest Languedoc ( Domaine des TrinitƩs , if you're interested!) The meeting ended with a little sampling of Simon's excellent range. The highlight of the parish visit was the confirmation of Alice, Simon and Monica's daughter. It was a joyful gathering of parishioners and friends. The Revd Roger Smith has nurtured this congregation for the past three years from a small group to a parish with close to 70 on the electoral roll. Alice was supported by her close friends for the ceremony, who accompanied her through the rite, including gathering with her at the baptismal font for the renewal of vows. The morning concluded with the customary sump...