Celebrating Holy Paradox
Syrian Orthodox Church, SE Turkey Dr Clare Amos, the Diocesan Director of Lay Discipleship, has written a wonderful reflection on the forthcoming feast of All Saints. She reflects on "the intrincally paradoxical nature of our faith": All Saints Day is actually the celebration of the ridiculous paradox that WE are ‘all saints’, at least potentially, even if honesty forces us to admit that it doesn’t always seem like that in the present. In fact if we (mistakenly) put our focus on ‘All Saints Day’ on the great and traditional saints of the church’s history – we miss the meaning of the Feast. Clare also draws on the Syriac tradition in the Christian Church, which has significan roots in the far south east of this Diocese in Europe. You can find the full article on the Faith in Europe blog which can be found here: https://faithineurope.net / The Faith in Europe blog is but one part of Clare's work, and is valuable for all preachers and others who...