309 Centres of Worship in the Diocese in Europe

The Revd Mark Collinson, the Chaplain of Christ Church Amsterdam, and Amsterdam South, in a comment on this blog, questioned of the "magic figure" of 270 congregations in this diocese. It is a number that has been in general use for a number of years. Mark writes that during his "idle hours" (I am certain he has few of these!), he counted the number of locations served by our diocese. He discovered that we actually offer worship in 309 locations. 170 provide worship every Sunday, and another 139 less frequently or not on Sunday. I have changed the welcome note at the top of this blog accordingly.

One of the newer congregation in the diocese is a plant from Christ Church Amsterdam known as "Amsterdam South". Christ Church (with Amsterdam South) has an attractive website here.


  1. It's also worth saying that increasing the number of services in the same location is another expression of growth. I take no credit for it, but under my predecessor, Anthony Wells, the number of Sunday services at St. Michael's increased from 2 to 5, through splitting one congregation and starting two more.

  2. Thank you for that compliment 'attractive'!


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