BBC broadcast from St Clement's, Prague ... on the feast of Stephen!

This Sunday  26 December BBC Radio 4 will broadcast a special service from St Clement's, our Diocese in Europe church in Prague. The Revd Ricky Yates will lead the service which will reflect on the lives and deaths of two saints: St Stephen, whose feast it is on Sunday, and St Wenceslas, the tenth century Duke of Bohemia. St Wenceslas later became known as St Vaclav and is the patron saint of the Czech Republic. The idea springs from the old Christmas carol, "Good King Wenceslas looked out, on the Feast of Stephen". St Clement's is not far from Wenceslas Square itself.

Fr Ricky will be joined in leading the service by the Revd Petra Elsmore, another priest of the Church of England, now based in Liverpool. Petra is Czech by birth and was an ordinand from St Clement's several years ago. Ricky and Petra are pictured below.

The service will be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on Sunday 26 December at 08.10 GMT (that is 09.10 Central European Time).

For more information go to Ricky Yates personal website here. St Clement's website is here.  (Pictures of St Clement's and Petra are courtesy of Ricky Yates).


  1. Petra is not a stranger to the Diocese of Europe.
    As part of her CME in Liverpool Diocese she spent 3 months working with the Mallorca Chaplaincy in 2005 and featured on the ITV series "Parish in the Sun" which was filmed here. She was the first ever woman priest to celebrate at St Philip and St James Church in Palma...the congregation loved her and continue to remember her with affection...and Petra if you are reading this "Good Luck for tomorrow" and where is my Christmas card this year?


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