Anglican Co-Chairman of IARCCUM announced
The following announcement was made by the Anglican Communion Office on 25 June . As it involves someone in our diocese, I thought it should be posted here: "The Archbishop of Canterbury has named the Right Reverend David Hamid, Suffragan Bishop in the Diocese in Europe, as the Anglican Co-Chair of the International Anglican Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission (IARCCUM). IARCCUM was established by the Anglican Communion and the Roman Catholic Church in 2001. It is a commission of bishops āto promote our relationship by seeking to translate our manifest agreement in faith into common life and missionā. In its first report, Growing Together in Unity and Mission (2007), IARCCUM made an appraisal of the work to date of Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) and āoffered practical suggestions on the way in which Anglican and Roman Catholic ecumenical participation can be appropriately fostered and carried forwardā. There has not been an Angli...