
Showing posts from October, 2014

Welcoming priests appointed to serve in this diocese from across the Anglican Communion and Churches in Communion

We are blessed in this diocese for many of the clergy who serve our churches come from other parts of the Anglican Communion or from Churches in Communion with the Church of England. They bring a great richness and breadth of experience to us. There are, however, so many peculiarities in this particular Province of the Anglican Communion - rules, measures, canons and guidelines, that are often bewildering to those whose ministry has previously been outside the Church of England. And just to complicate things, there are particular norms and procedures which pertain to the unique context of this diocese. Even common terminology like "Churchwarden" denotes very different functions in different parts of the Anglican Communion. By coincidence, five priests recently appointed to positions in this Diocese in Europe come from outside the Church of England. I therefore proposed a meeting for some orientation together, to provide a chance to cover some basic matters that will b...

A joyful celebration as 18 are confirmed in St John's Casablanca

The Cross was lifted high in procession as 18 members of St John the Evangelist Church in Casablanca were confirmed on Sunday 19th October. This was during the second of two regular Sunday services held each week. This particular service has a strong African flavour with music accompanied by the warm beat of drums. One particular song, written by Thomas (below) accompanied the sprinkling of the people after the re-affirmation of Baptismal Faith. It was entitled It is Raining and is about God's grace showering the people. The confirmation candidates came from Liberia, Nigeria and CĆ“te dā€™Ivoire. Moving testimonies were given from 3 candidates about their journey into deeper faith and commitment as disciples of Jesus Christ. The celebration continued in the lovely grounds of St John's Church, with a feast of African dishes.

Canon Medhat Sabry is the new Area Dean of Morocco and the Canary Islands.

On Sunday 19 October, in St John the Evangelist Church in Casablanca, I commissioned the Revd Canon Dr Medhat Sabry as Area Dean of Morocco and the Canary Islands. In this position, Canon Sabry will work with Archdeacon Geoff Johnston and myself in the oversight and pastoral care of the 10 or so congregations in this area of the Archdeaconry of Gibraltar, the most south-westerly corner of the Diocese. Canon Sabry with his wife Amal There are two other Area Deans in the Gibraltar Archdeaconry. One serves Catalunya, Andorra and the Balearic Islands and the other serves Portugal and Madeira. A network of active Area Deans is essential to the life of this extensive diocese. From time to time the Area Deans assist parishes which are in a vacancy process with advice and guidance as they prepare all that is required to recruit and appoint a new priest, working with the archdeacon and bishop. The licensing was held at the first of two regular Sunday morning services. There is an act...

Vacancy spotlight: Assistant priest for St Vincent's Algarve, Portugal

One of the Churches used by St Vincent's: Nossa Senhora da Luz, Praia da Luz The Senior Chaplain of St Vincent's Anglican parish, in the beautiful Algarve region of southern Portugal, wishes to appoint an assistant priest. It is a part-time position and thus would ideally suit a recently retired priest. Here are the essential qualities being sought in the appointee: a priest in the catholic tradition with a heart for evangelical outreach who can work in cooperation with the Senior Chaplain to meet the needs of the English speaking community.  a priest whose life and teaching are solidly founded in Christ and his Gospel a priest skilled in liturgy and leading public worship and who can preach with imagination a gifted teacher to give spiritual guidance to both young and old.  a priest who enjoys pastoral work.  organisational skills, computer literate.  A Church used by St Vincent's: Nossa Senhora da Fatima, Pereiras The package on offer: an attra...

Vacancy spotlight: Priest-in-charge for the Anglican Church of Freiburg, Germany

The building used by Freiburg Anglican Church I am currently seeking to appoint an experienced priest for the Anglican Church in Freiburg. This is a unique opportunity to minister in a vibrant growing community, set in the heart of the beautiful Black Forest area of South Germany. The parish needs a good shepherd, an inspiring and accomplished teacher with an open-heart, an open-mind and a bold vision for ministry. The successful appointee will: ā€¢ be a good and enthusiastic communicator who is able to draw together a diverse community ā€¢ be a good spiritual and pastoral leader ā€¢ encourage, motivate, engage easily with and nurture a multi-cultural community ā€¢ foster, nurture and promote the parish vision to become a community of grace ā€¢ help the Anglican church in Freiburg flourish and grow in spirit, in numbers and financially. Housing and part-stipend offered but no pension contributions. The overall package to support the right candidate can be tailored to...

Vacancy Spotlight: Holy Spirit Costa Blanca, house-for-duty priest

One of the Churches used in the Chaplaincy of Costa Blanca The Anglican parish of Costa Blanca in Spain seeks to appoint a house-for-duty priest. The appointment is to begin after Easter 2015. Here are some details: The appointee will join a large team with a Senior Chaplain, another House for Duty priest, a licensed Reader, 5 other resident and non-resident clergy with Permission to Officiate, all with excellent lay support.  This post would suit an energetic, perhaps recently retired priest aged 65+, or possibly younger, who wishes to continue in ministry.  The parish will provide accommodation: (or a housing allowance for an appointee to seek accommodation independently); a fully-maintained car; an annual honorarium of ā‚¬6,500.  Resolutions A and B have been passed for ecumenical reasons For further details, contact:  The Revd Marcus Ronchetti:   Closing date for applications: 17 November 2014 Short listing date: 24...

Casablanca Nuptials

It is not often that I have a chance to preside at weddings any more. However, my recent pastoral visit to St John the Evangelist Church in Casablanca was going to coincide with the marriage of two parishioners. The priest-in-charge, the Revd Canon Dr Medhat Sabry, thus arranged that I should preside at the nuptial ceremony on Saturday 18th of October. It was a very happy occasion, and the first marriage celebrated in St John's for about 16 years! St John's is a very international Church. The bride and groom, Helen and Rahim, are from Nigeria and Liberia respectively. The Churchwardens of the parish, John and Angie, who were on hand to help with the bride's and the groom's parties, are from the USA and the Philippines. Together with the priest-in-charge who is Egyptian and I as a Scottish-Burmese-Canadian, it was a global event. Churchwarden John Peterson (2nd from right) greets the groom's men Churchwarden Angie Bermudez (right) organises the bridal...

New work of outreach to foreign Christians in Rabat

A weekly service for Anglican and English-speaking foreigners is being developed in Rabat, the capital of Morocco. The priest-in-charge of St John the Evangelist Church in Casablanca, the Revd Canon Dr Medhat Sabry is leading this new work. Filipino Christians are among the first members of this congregation. On a recent visit to Morocco, I was able to visit this congregation, and also bless sets of burses and veils in the 4 liturgical colours to be used at the eucharist. The service is held presently on Saturday evening, in the chapel of a Roman Catholic religious order the Filles du Coeur ImmaculƩ de Marie.

The Revd John Barker at service of peace and reconciliation in Etchmiadzin

On Sunday 12 October, the Revd John Barker, our priest in Yerevan, Armenia, was privileged to be invited by His Holiness Catholicos Karekin II to attend a service of prayers for peace and reconciliation in the Middle East, and in particular in Syria. This initiative was agreed at a recent inter-faith conference that was held in Etchmiadzin. Prayers at the service were led by His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians and His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Head of the Syriac Orthodox Church and Patriarch of Antioch and All the East. His Holiness Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem The cathedral at Etchmiadzin was full for the service, and the congregation included significant numbers of Ambassadors and representatives of the international community. As well as our Church of England presence, leaders of the Roman Catholic Church in Armenia were present. His Holiness Catholicos Karekin II

St Andrew's Puerto Pollensa welcomes Fr Nigel Stimpson as their new priest

Fr Nigel Stimpson On Thursday 9 October, the parish of St Andrew's, Puerto Pollensa, in Mallorca, welcomed formally their new priest, the Revd Nigel Stimpson. Fr Nigel joins his colleague, the Revd David Waller who is based in St Philip and St James Church in Palma, in serving the large English speaking community who live on or visit this island. (Fr David Waller also serves as Area Dean for the Balearics and Catalunya). The Church was packed for the licensing service, which was supported by music from two choirs. The congregation uses a new leased facility which from appearances may end up being too small if the congregational numbers increase any more!. We were joined by the Venerable Geoff Johnston, the Interim Archdeacon of Gibraltar. Unfortunately, I was not joined by my luggage, which Iberia had misplaced. (The second time that they have done this to me on a pastoral visit to Mallorca). People were very kind and managed to cobble together what I needed for the occasio...

Holy Trinity Madeira welcomes their new priest

The people of Holy Trinity Madeira celebrated the appointment and licensing of their new Priest-in-Charge, the Revd Canon John Blair, on Thursday the 9th October. Fr John is a Canon of Derry Cathedral in the Church of Ireland, having served as a parish priest and Rural Dean in the Diocese of Derry and Raphoe. Prior to that John served as an Army Chaplain, serving in the UK, in Germany and Bosnia. Fr John and his wife Jean know Madeira well from past holiday times and more recently with John as a regular locum priest, and both are looking forward to bringing their particular skills and experience to their new posting. The licensing was carried out by Fr Bob Bates, the Area Dean for Portugal with Madeira. The photograph above shows the gathering on the church steps after the service, with Fr John (extreme right) and Jean (front with blue dress) alongside the Churchwardens and friends including other church leaders on the island, and the Mayor of Funchal (right of the cross). Holy ...

Wanted: a new Priest-in-Charge of St Nicholas, Ankara, Turkey

St Nicholas Church I am presently recruiting a priest-in-charge for a very stimulating position in the diocese: St Nicholas, Ankara. The position becomes vacant in January 2015 and is open to priests in communion with the Church of England, both men and women. This is a post which is suitable for someone recently retired but still interested in an active and engaging ministry. There is a small stipend of approximately Ā£620 per month (about US $980). Medical cover and other expenses of office are provided. The accommodation is a light and airy, concierge-served, fully furnished three bedroom apartment, with a separate study, lounge and dining area. The essential qualities that are needed in the next priest include: ā€¢ Wide and deep parish experience ā€¢ Ability to develop parish relationships in a mobile community ā€¢ Ecumenical and inter-faith sensitivity ā€¢ An international outlook Saint Nicolas is the only Anglican Church in the city and one of only a small number in Tur...

Reader Workshop: Preaching the Word in Anglicanism

From the 23 to the 25 September twelve Readers and Readers in Training gathered in St Columba's House, Woking, to learn about ā€˜Preaching the Word in Anglicanismā€™. They came from Spain, the Netherlands, France, Greece and Gibraltar. Reader Jan Watershoot, of Holy Trinity Eindhoven in the Netherlands has written about the event: "Every aspect of preaching was brought to the table. On the first day Ms Jules Melvin, actress and producer, showed us all the ins and outs of posture, how to breathe, articulation (ā€œlips, tongue, teethā€), gesticulation, facial expression and how to control the sounds that we produce. A very instructive session, especially if you realise that about 75% of your message comes across non-verbally. On day two, in three sessions, Bishop David gave us a discourse about "Preaching in the Anglican tradition". Impossible within the scheme of this little article to explain everything the Bishop taught us. Still some important points: How to ...

Two new Churches enter the Porvoo Communion

Archbishop Rozitis of the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad, signs the Porvoo Agreement On 19 September, at the close of the meeting of Porvoo Church Leaders, the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad (LELCA) and the Lutheran Church in Great Britain (LCiGB) signed the Porvoo Declaration. The signing was during a solemn celebration of the Eucharist in the chapel at Bishopthorpe Palace, York, at which the Most Revd Antje JackelƩn, Archbishop of Uppsala, preached and the Most Revd Dr John Sentamu, Archbishop of York, presided. Archbishop Almars Ernsts Rozitis of the LELCA and Bishop Martin Lind of the LCiGB signed on behalf of their Churches. This "extension" of the Porvoo Communion came after a period of observer status for these Churches and eventual approval by the Porvoo Primates and members of the Contact Group. The welcoming of these Churches into the Communion makes possible the interchangeability of their priests with those of the other Churches of ...

Leaders of Porvoo Churches in York

From 17 - 19 September, the Archbishop of York hosted at his residence, Bishopthorpe Palace, a gathering of 45 church leaders from the Porvoo Communion of Churches. The theme of the gathering was "Towards Greater Unity and Closer Fellowship". The meeting was chaired by the Archbishop of Dublin, Michael Jackson, and the Bishop of Copenhagen, Peter Skov-Jakobsen. As Chairman of the Porvoo Panel of the Church of England, I was an invited consultant to the meeting. The meeting set out a work plan for the next 4 years which would take into account these themes which emerged from the meeting: The role of servanthood, leadership and discipleship in authentic Christian witness, with a special focus on the current situation in Europe. The need to provide space and opportunities for prayer, spiritual expression and pilgrimage. The need for a refreshed emphasis in mission as a way of life with and in the community. The importance of including young people emphasising their...