
Showing posts from November, 2015

Focolare Bishops meet on Chalki

  The Theological School of Chalki The Focolare are a lay movement within the Roman Catholic Church (although there are Anglican member and members from other Churches as well), founded by Chiara Lubich. It consists of some 7000 consecrated members in over 80 countries around the world. They hold their goods in common and dedicate their lives to the realisation of Jesus' prayer "that they all may be one". In addition there are close to 2,000,000 persons associated with the movement in over 200 countries. The Bishop Friends of the Focolare movement number about 100 and we try to meet each year in some place with ecumenical significance to underline our shared calling as ministers of the unity of the Church, the search for Christian unity being at the heart of Focolare spirituality. Our meetings are a rich experience of communion among the bishops even though from different traditions: Roman and Maronite Catholic, Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Lutheran, Anglican, Syrian Ortho...

Bishop Friends of Focolare attend Christ Church Istanbul

The annual gathering of Bishop Friends of the Focolare Movement is being held in Halki and Istanbul. These are bishops from Christian Churches who hold fast to a spirituality of unity, which is at the heart of the spirituality of the Focolare movement, itself a lay movement within the Roman Catholic Church. I have been one of these bishop-friends since 2002. About 10 of us, mostly Anglicans and Lutherans, from the UK, Brazil, Sweden, Finland and the Czech Republic attended the Eucharist for Advent Sunday at Christ Church, Istanbul, where I presided and preached. The Chaplain is the Revd Canon Ian Sherwood. The congregation of Christ Church is like so many of our urban parishes, a mixture of people from around the world. At the coffee following the mass I had conversations with Iranians, Americans, British, Turkish, Irish, Pakistani and Nigerian members in attendance - a rich mixture and a welcoming community.   Posted with Blogsy

An extraordinary and generous gift to support our work with refugees

Julia by Joseph Wright Now here is some exciting news from Us (formerly USPG) who is our principal partner and collaborator in terms of fund-raising and support for our Diocese in Europe refugee response: The Revd Tim Harford, Us Director of Fundraising and Communications, describes below in his own words how Us came into possession of an Old Master painting that is to be auction at Sothebyā€™s to raise funds for refugees in Europe: When my phone rings it is more often than not someone trying to sell me something ā€“ advertising space, promotional products, a conference placeā€¦So one of my recent phone calls really took me by surprise: ā€˜I see you are helping the Diocese in Europe to co-ordinate its response to the Europe refugee crisis. My family own an old painting by one of Englandā€™s most celebrated artists. It was valued a few years ago at Ā£180,000. Weā€™d like to give it to you so we can play our part in all this.ā€™ What an incredible offer! I cleared my throat, then my diary, and agreed I...

Fr Malcolm Bradshaw addresses a General Synod fringe meeting on the refugee crisis

Photo: Leah Gordon Us On Wednesday morning Us (formerly USPG) held a fringe meeting for the General Synod delegates, over breakfast. It was a time to present something of the reality of the refugee situation in the Diocese in Europe and the response that Us is assisting us to make. Our own Fr Malcolm Bradshaw, Senior Chaplain in Athens, was on hand and gave an passionate and moving account of the experience of the refugees in Greece. It is an excellent summary of this complex situation. A video of his presentation is here . According to Us, there was standing room only at the event and all those present will now spread the word even wider of our Diocese's engagement with this issue.   Posted with Blogsy

Bishop Angaelos addresses the General Synod on the complexities of the refugee crisis

ļ»æ Photo by Geoff Crawford My good friend and ecumenical colleague, His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the UK addressed the Church of England's General Synod yesterday on the complex refugee crisis, underlining the perspectives from Christians in the Middle East. His Grace is the Moderator of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI), of which I am a trustee. He was one of the Church leaders who was with me on a CTBI visit to the Greek-FYRO Macedonian border in September, which was the first official visit of any sort to the region from the UK to learn first hand about what is the greatest crisis in Europe since WWII.   Speaking of the crisis as an opportunity for Christians and the Church to act, Bishop Angaelos said:   ā€œWe are a united Body of Christ, there is no Church of the East and Church of the West; it is one Body and it suffers equally, and so we need to approach this matter collaboratively. These are...

Clergy chapter of Catalunya, the Balearic Islands and Madrid

In our diocese clergy can often feel isolated in their ministry; it is unlikely that there will be another Anglican priest nearby. In the Archdeaconry of Gibraltar, clergy clusters or regional chapters are encouraged to meet for mutual support and fellowship, and to help break down the sense of isolation. Area Dean Fr David Waller recently invited me to spend time with the chapter from Catalunya, the Balearic Islands and Madrid. We met at the Monasterio de Santa Lucia, Mancor de la Vall , high on a hill in Mallorca. It was a time to share experiences, challenges, joys and vision. It was a privilege to pray together and to celebrate the eucharist in the chapel which dates from 1275. The food and wine were also good!

Warm support to our Church from the Minister of Islamic Affairs in Morocco

The Church of England along with the French Protestant Church, the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church (Greek and Russian) are the 4 Christian Churches which are permitted by His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco to function in the Kingdom, ministering to our own expatriate members. Indeed, our Anglican Church is treated with great respect in Morocco, shown by the most cordial welcome I have been given by HE Ahmed Toufiq, the Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs. His Excellency provides us with support and advice when we need it, to enable our ministry to expatriate Anglicans to flourish. During a recent courtesy visit to his office in the grounds of the Royal Palace on 12 October, His Excellency gave me a gift of a copy of the Quran which has a special significance. Hundreds of thousands of women are being taught to read and write through special classes run by mosques throughout the country. This year alone, a quarter of a million women are enrolled in t...

Rome grieves in solidarity with Paris

I'm in the Eternal City (Rome) for ecumenical meetings. It is evident that the hearts of Romans are weeping for the citizens of their great sister city of Paris. At the sung mass in All Saints this morning the parishioners prayed the intercessions in silence while they lit candles for the victims of the terrorist attacks. I'm staying next door to "St Louis of the French" church which is filled with people coming to say their prayers and also light candles in solidarity.

1.5 million Armenian martyrs of 1915 commemorated in Westminster Abbey

His Holiness Catholicos Karekin II 100 years ago this year over 1.5 million Armenians were killed in what has been described as the first genocide of the 20th century. A special service was held in Westminster Abbey on 28 October to commemorate this tragedy, and to celebrate the lives of the newly-sainted martyrs of 1915. The service was led by His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians. Over 2000 filled the Abbey for the prayers which celebrated the victory of life, righteousness and fraternity over death, injustice and enmity. His Holiness paid tribute to "Anglican sisters and brothers who helped Armenian refugees, giving them shelter and the use of their Churches, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries". HG Bishop Hovakim about to read the Gospel Mr Serzh Sargsyan, President of the Republic of Armenia; and HRH the Prince of Wales attended the service, along with His Grace Bishop Hovakim Manukian of the Armenian Diocese ...

People from 24 countries find a home in St George's Madrid

St George's Church in Madrid celebrated the 90th anniversary of the building on Sunday 25 October. The regular congregation was joined by many visitors, including several Ambassadors and other clergy. The patio of the Church provides an excellent venue for the post service refreshments and tapas! When built 90 years ago, it was known as the British Embassy Church of St George. Things have changed. This is now a very international community. The Chaplain, the Revd Paul Ormrod, tells me that at least 24 nationalities are represented in the congregation today. Music plays a large part in services at St George's. On this anniversary occasion, the regular choir was supplemented by a Nigerian one who sang some hymns in Igbo. One of the members of St George's who is originally from Nigeria is exploring a possible vocation to the priesthood. Presently the parish is served by Fr Paul, the Chaplain, Fr Nigel Thomas and Deacon Mathew Phipps, Curates, and Reader Celia Pa...

An unprecedented service in St Paul's Cathedral led by HG Bishop Angaelos OBE

On 16 October, His Grace Bishop Angaelos, the General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the UK, a close friend and ecumenical colleague, received an OBE from Her Majesty the Queen, for ā€˜Services to International Religious Freedomā€™. It is a fitting honour for one who has worked tirelessly to advocate for religious freedom, calling for the protection of God-given rights and freedoms for all. Bishop Angaelos has testified in the United States Congress on human rights abuses and taken part in a variety of activities to raise awareness of a number of issues in the Middle East in particular, again focussing on the protection of human rights and freedom. To mark the occasion, on 16 October, I was privileged to take part in an unprecedented service in the Order of the British Empire Chapel in St Paulā€™s Cathedral, followed Evensong. Many ecumenical, diplomatic and official guests joined members of the Coptic community as Bishop Angaelos led a service of prayer in the Coptic Orthodo...

The first Anglican confirmations in Rabat

Churchwarden Angie and musician Thomas with Fr Medhat Sabry Services have been held each week in Rabat for about a year now. Fr Medhat Sabry, the priest-in-charge of St John the Evangelist Church in Casablanca, has pioneered this new community in the Moroccan capital which where there are a large number of foreign Christians who seek to worship in the English language. The community is growing with members coming from the Philippines and several sub-Saharan African countries. The weekly eucharists are held in a chapel of a school run by the Roman Catholic Filles du Cœur ImmaculĆ© de Marie.   Fr Medhat is assisted by St John's Churchwarden Angie, and one of St John's musicians, Thomas (who is also exploring Reader ministry). The candidates make their vows of confirmation  Sunday 11 October was a significant date for this new community: three members of congregation were confirmed. I believe this may be the first Anglican confirmations ever held in Rabat. This ...

A weekend of Remembrance and the celebration of a new ministry at St Alban's Copenhagen

Photo courtesy of Anita Wales Sunday 8 November was a busy one at St Alban's Copenhagen. It was, of course, Remembrance Sunday, and as in most of our churches located in capital cities, the traditional Remembrance Service is well attended by the diplomatic and military communities. The UK Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark, Her Excellency Vivien Life, led the diplomats and other dignitaries who took part in the service in St Alban's. The Revd Darren McCallig and Ambassador Vivien Life. Photo courtesy of Anita Wales At an earlier service that day, I was privileged to license Professor Ursula Sonnewald as a Reader in the Copenhagen parish. Ursula has been a Reader for about 5 years and has been ministering in our Church in Trondheim. Her research in neurochemistry has taken her to Copenhagen, where she will be a valued member of the ministry team led by the Chaplain of St Alban's, the Revd Darren McCallig. Professor Ursula Sonnewald with Fr Darren and the St A...

The Ecumenical Patriarch in London

With Coptic Bishop Angaelos and His All Holiness the Patriarch The last week was a busy one ecumenically with the visit of His All-Holiness, Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople to the Archbishop of Canterbury. The programme was full involving services of prayer for the plight of refugees, lectures on the environment, and a major service of Evensong in Westminster Abbey followed by prayers at the Shrine of St Edward the Confessor. At the service in the Abbey the recent statement published by the International Commission for Anglican-Orthodox Theological Dialogue was presented to the Patriarch and the Archbishop of Canterbury. The text celebrates what Anglicans and Orthodox can say together about the human person, created in "the Image and Likeness of God". It forms the theological background to further work that the Commission will now undertake on ethical issues. For a solid reflection on what it means to be human, this is excellent reading. In his lectur...

On Lesvos it is discovered that there are no place to bury refugees who have drowned

Regular monthly coordination meetings regarding refugees are now in place between representatives of five different Churches in Athens (Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Salvation Army, Anglican and Church of Sweden), in order to coordinate their response and resources. At their meeting on Friday 30 October, pictured above, Fr Maurice Joyeux of the Jesuit Refugee Service informed the participants of the distressing news that on the island of Lesvos there were no burial facilities for refugees who have died or drowned. The hospital mortuaries are full. Containers are now being converted into refrigerated spaces. Fr Maurice felt that the Churches should take a lead in urging the authorities to make provision and ensure that appropriate funeral rites are available. The cemeteries on Lesvos are for the local population with limited space for further burials. The Anglican Chaplaincy in Athens has recently channelled Ā£3.000 from donations it has received to 'Lighthouse', an orga...

Church Leaders in Europe call for refugees' safe passage

Photo courtesy of WCC/Johannes Minkus The activity in Europe concerning the refugee crisis continues and churches across the ecumenical spectrum are uniting voices and efforts in the face of the challenges. Last Thursday I was one of a group of 35 bishops and church leaders from 20 countries who gathered in Munich to discuss refugees and the role of the churches in Europe. The consultation was called by the World Council of Churches (WCC), the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria, and the Evangelical Church of Germany. We came from Orthodox, Protestant, Anglican and Roman Catholic churches as well as representatives from church-based humanitarian and refugee organisations. The consultation agreed a communiquƩ with affirmations and recommendations. I was privileged to be one of the drafters, together with colleagues from the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and all the East, the Church of Greece and the Churches Commission on Migration in Eur...