Focolare Bishops meet on Chalki

The Theological School of Chalki The Focolare are a lay movement within the Roman Catholic Church (although there are Anglican member and members from other Churches as well), founded by Chiara Lubich. It consists of some 7000 consecrated members in over 80 countries around the world. They hold their goods in common and dedicate their lives to the realisation of Jesus' prayer "that they all may be one". In addition there are close to 2,000,000 persons associated with the movement in over 200 countries. The Bishop Friends of the Focolare movement number about 100 and we try to meet each year in some place with ecumenical significance to underline our shared calling as ministers of the unity of the Church, the search for Christian unity being at the heart of Focolare spirituality. Our meetings are a rich experience of communion among the bishops even though from different traditions: Roman and Maronite Catholic, Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Lutheran, Anglican, Syrian Ortho...