Photo courtesy of Anita Wales |
Sunday 8 November was a busy one at St Alban's Copenhagen. It was, of course, Remembrance Sunday, and as in most of our churches located in capital cities, the traditional Remembrance Service is well attended by the diplomatic and military communities. The UK Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark, Her Excellency Vivien Life, led the diplomats and other dignitaries who took part in the service in St Alban's.
The Revd Darren McCallig and Ambassador Vivien Life. Photo courtesy of Anita Wales |
At an earlier service that day, I was privileged to license Professor Ursula Sonnewald as a Reader in the Copenhagen parish. Ursula has been a Reader for about 5 years and has been ministering in our Church in Trondheim. Her research in neurochemistry has taken her to Copenhagen, where she will be a valued member of the ministry team led by the Chaplain of St Alban's, the Revd Darren McCallig.
Professor Ursula Sonnewald with Fr Darren and the St Alban's Churchwardens. Photo courtesy of Anita Wales |
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