Anglican and Episcopal Churches in Germany Explore Ignatian Prayer Together

A unique experience of Anglican unity is lived out in Germany where the congregations of the (Church of England's) Diocese in Europe and the Convocation of American Episcopal Churches in Europe (part of the Episcopal Church, USA) share a common deanery-like structure called the Council of Anglican / Episcopal Churches in Germany, CAECG. Twice a year the clergy and lay representatives of the 16 congregations meet for prayer, worship, study, fellowship and joint mission and ministry planning. The meeting is chaired by the Revd Christopher Jage-Bowler, (pictured here)  the Church of England's Area Dean for Germany, who is also the Chaplain of St George's Berlin. On 18 to 19 September, CAECG met in Hamburg. Apart from the usual deanery business, the delegates explored aspects of Ignatian Spirituality, led by the Revd Andrew Walker of the London Centre for Spirituality. It is a hopeful sign in these days of stresses within our Anglican Communion, that official delegates from the Church of England and the Episcopal Church congregations in Germany want to spend time in community, learning to pray together and learning from each other. The CAECG concluded with a celebration of the Holy Eucharist at St Thomas Becket Church in Hamburg. The chaplain of St Thomas Becket, the Revd Roger White, concelebrated with me on the occasion of his 44th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood, and a young adult member of St Thomas Becket was confirmed.
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