Mystery Worshipper at St Peter and St Sigfrid's Stockholm

We know that retail companies sometimes hire mystery shoppers to help them rate the service offered in their outlets. Restaurants are used to mystery diners who often may be writing a review for a weekend newspaper or travel magazine. An online magazine of Christian humour,, also has a corps of mystery worshippers who are dispatched to the corners of the globe to report on their experience of worship in churches of all traditions. Congregations in our Diocese in Europe are not exempt from such visits! The latest of our parishes to be visited by a mystery worshipper is St Peter and St Sigfid's in Stockholm. The review from the mystery worshipper's visit on 5 July can be found here. All good fun, but slightly scary, as our incognito visitors seem to know what to look for in Church!

St Peter and St Sigfrid's Church, Stockholm, whose chaplain, the Revd Nicholas Howe is also Area Dean of the Nordic and Baltic States, has an attractive and informative website which can be found here.


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