Bishop Geoffrey Licenses the Revds Gillian Strachan and Elizabeth Morris

On 12 September, Bishop Geoffrey licensed two priests as assistants in the Anglican parish of the Aquitaine in France. The Reverend Gillian Strachan (above right) is well known in Aquitaine as she has been serving as Assistant Curate there. Having completed the formal period of post ordination training she has now been appointed Assistant Chaplain. The Reverend Elizabeth Morris (above left) is a new appointment in this diocese. She was formerly the Curate in Yoxmere (St Edmundsbury & Ipswich diocese). She now joins the team of clergy and readers in the Aquitaine, under the leadership of the chaplain the Revd Paul Vrolijk. We welcome Liz and her husband Richard to this Diocese in Europe Bishop Geoffrey led the eucharist at which the licensing took place in the Limeuil congregation of Aquitaine, which was most fitting as both priests have strong connections to this particular community. Gill's own discernment of her calling to be a priest happened during the time...