Sudanese Joy in Vaasa, Finland

The Archdeacon of Germany and Northern Europe, Jonathan LLoyd, visited our Sudanese congregation at Vaasa, Finland, last Sunday 12 September. In the above photo is Archdeacon Jonathan with Fr Amos Manga, our priest responsible for the Sudanese community in Finland and three newly baptised children, Joshua, Gyiniwa and Joanna, with their families.

Archdeacon Jonathan said "The Anglican community at Vaasa are worshipping God with joy and celebration. They yearn to return to their country from exile, when Sudan returns to peace. The election in January will be a key moment. It was wonderful to spend time with Fr Amos and the congregation. I was greatly encouraged by their Christian witness and real sense of joyful hope."

Please pray for the people of Sudan who go to the polls on 9 January 2011 to vote on the future of Southern Sudan - whether it should become a separate state. Please also pray for Fr Amos who is currently receiving treatment for cancer.
Some of the joy of the eucharist, which begins and ends with dancing, is portrayed in the photo below.The bottom pictures is of the Archdeacon with members of the Sudanese Mothers' Union in Vaasa.


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