Workshop for Lay Ministers: The Mystery of the Trinity

The Revd Canon Ulla Monberg, the Diocesan Director of Training, has informed me that there are two or three places still available for the upcoming workshop for diocesan Readers and Readers in Training. Entitled “The Mystery of the Trinity”, the workshop will take place at St. Columba’s House, Woking from 4pm (teatime) Wednesday 6th October to after lunch, c. 2pm on Friday 8th October. This event has been planned in response to the request by many of our lay ministers to spend some time to reflect together on a purely theological theme. Past workshops have been more focussed on practical or liturgical training in an area of ministry important to readers.

The resource person for the workshop will be the Revd Elaine Labourel. Elaine is the assistant priest in St Mark's, Versailles and has particular responsibility for the daughter Church of St Paul in Gif Sur Yvette, and is one of our Diocesan Reader Selectors. She is a tutor for readers-in-training at St. John’s Nottingham and teaches Anglicanism at the Institut Catholique in Paris. Elaine has a BA in Theology and Ministry from St. John’s College, Nottingham, and is currently completing an MA in Liturgy at the College of the Resurrection Mirfield. Prior to ordination Elaine was an adult education teacher.

St Columba's House has recently been refurbished and all rooms are en-suite. Woking is easily accessible from both Heathrow and Gatwick airports and from the Eurostar terminus at St Pancras International. Readers are eligible to request CME grant support for this event, and should approach their priest for information.

For further information please contact the Director of Training here.


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