Readers Explore Theological Theme Together

From 6th to 8th October several of our licensed Readers and some readers-in-training gathered at St Columba's House, Woking, for a workshop to explore a theological theme together. The topic was "The Mystery of the Trinity" and the facilitator was the Revd Elaine Labourel, Assistant Chaplain of Versailles.

The Director of Training, the Revd Canon Ulla Monberg is delighted that our Readers and trainees wish to spend time deepening their theological knowledge. Past training events have tended to focus on some practical aspects to the ministry of Reader, such as preaching and funeral ministry, but our Readers take very seriously their role as lay theologians and enjoy the opportunity to hone these skills as well through engaging in theological exploration together.

The participants are pictured above. In the back row left to right: Julian Simpson (Copenhagen), Michael Brooke (Coutances), John Matthews (Poitou-Charentes and the Vendée), Celia Paterson (Madrid), Debbie Geater (Costa del Sol East), the Revd Elaine Labourel (Versailles). In the front row, left to right: Barry Mason (Costa del Sol West), Sheila Marshall (Aquitaine), Grada Schradee (Rotterdam), Canon Monberg (Director of Training), Mary de Vachon (Monaco), John Errey (Pau). Missing from the picture are Jan Waterschoot (Eindhoven) and Roy Damary (Geneva).

There are over 100 licensed readers in the diocese and about a further 40 in training. They offer invaluable help to the clergy in parish ministry, particularly in leading services of the word, preaching and teaching. The preparation to be a Reader, following selection for this ministry, normally takes three years of theological study and practical learning.


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