The Revd Hazel Door Appointed Assistant Chaplain, Poitou-Charentes

On 3 October, the Reverend Hazel Door, formerly Priest-in-Charge of the Anglican Church of Christ Church, Brittany, was licensed as Assistant Chaplain of the Anglican Church of Christ the Good Shepherd, Poitou-Charentes. The Chaplain, the Revd Michael Hepper, conducted the service as commissary of the Bishop for this occasion.

The addition of Hazel to the ministry team of Poitou-Charentes is much welcome. Regular services are held in 10 different locations throughout this huge pastoral area. In addition to Hazel, Fr Michael is assisted by several retired priests with Permission to Officiate and 10 Readers. The parish website is here.

Hazel's own vocation to the priesthood was discerned in this parish and her curacy served here before her appointment as Priest-in-Charge of Christ Church Brittany several years ago. We pray for God's blessings as she settles into a new ministry back in her "home turf".


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