The Revd Canon Christopher Jage-Bowler, Area Dean of Germany

At the March meeting of the Council of Anglican/Episcopal Churches in Germany (CAECG) I commissioned the Revd Canon Christopher Jage-Bowler, chaplain of St George's, Berlin, as Area Dean of Germany for a further 3 year term. In the photo above, Fr Christopher is kneeling, while the Archdeacon of Germany and Northern Europe, Jonathan LLoyd looks on.

Area Deans in the Diocese in Europe sometimes are assigned to a deanery within the archdeaconry (as in the case of Germany) and sometimes serve the whole archdeaconry (as in the case of France). They have these general responsibilities:

  • To offer pastoral care of the clergy within the deanery or archdeaconry, and of their families
  •  To be a leader in the shared mission and ministry of the churches of the deanery or archdeaconry
  • To organise (and chair if necessary) meetings of Clergy Chapter of the deanery or archdeaconry and organise (and chair if necessary) along with the lay chair, the deanery or archdeaconry Synod
  • On request, to advise clergy and licensed readers on matters of continuing ministerial education, in consultation with the Director of Training
  • To provide contact with and support to licensed readers in the deanery or archdeaconry
  • At the request of the archdeacon, or Lead Bishop, to meet with and advise the Churchwardens and / or church council of a congregation entering or during a vacancy


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