St Catherine's Stuttgart Organ Project nears conclusion

St. Catherine's Anglican Church in Stuttgart has for the past year been working with their Old Catholic host congregation on a Pipe Organ Project to bring an antique [1903] organ from England to install in "the English Church". This is a replacement for the original instrument destroyed by allied bombing in the last war.

The Revd Ken Dimmick, priest-in-charge of St Catherine's, has just announced the happy news that the fund-raising for the organ has been virtually completed! Additionally, all the building construction necessary to set this organ on a proper and attractive organ loft under the rose window is also complete. The organ in the final stages of renovation at the workshop of master organ builder Michael Mauch. It is expected that the installation will begin in early May. 

Fr Ken has issued an invitation to the Organ Dedicatiion and Blessing on Pentecost Sunday, 12 June 2011, at 17:00 in St Catherine's Church. Bishop Joachim Vobbe, the retired Bishop of the Old Catholic Diocese of Germany, and I will jointly preside at the service. An inaugural concert will be given by Andrew Dewar. Mr Dewar, originally from England, is a member of St. Catherine's, a former student of the Stuttgart Musikhochschule, winner of numerous international competitions, and currently based in Paris, France.  A Reception for friends, visitors, and parishioners will come immediately after the concert.   

If you are free to join the festivities that day, you will be most welcome.

Congratulations to the members of St Catherine's and to Fr Ken Dimmick for bringing the realisation of this exciting project to a successful conclusion.

St Catherine's website is here


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