Mr Colin Pratt, Reader in Aquitaine, RIP

This morning I received news from the parish of the Aquitaine in France of the sudden death of one of our Readers, Mr Colin Pratt. This comes as a shock to the members of the parish, as he was actively serving in his ministry last Sunday. He had been a Reader in our diocese since 2007 when he transferred from the Diocese of London. 

The Chaplain of Aquitaine, the Revd Dr Paul Vrolijk, has written to his parishioners announcing Colin's death, and said:
It is with great sadness that I have to share the news that Colin Pratt has died. Colin was a great friend to many....and a great servant to the church. I will miss a wise friend. Please pray for all who are grieving.
Lord God, may our brother Colin come to the banquet of life Christ has prepared for us. 


  1. Elaine Ashmore-Short2 January 2012 at 17:08

    We have just heard the very sad news of Colin's death. He was a dear friend and colleague. I worked with him at Heath Clark High School and he has been a friend ever since. He is also Godfather to our eldest son Benedick and attended his wedding a few years ago. We were all very worried as we hadn't recieved his usual Christmas card and letter.
    We would like any further information of this sad event and send our condolences to his brother and nephews.

    1. I too missed my Christmas greetings. If you google Chaplaincy of Aquitaine news for 2011 you will find a tribute to Colin. I have been in contact with one of his friends in France. I could pass on contact details if you like. Heather


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