The Revd Paul Ormrod is licensed as Chaplain in St George's Madrid

Fr Nigel Thomas, Fr Paul Ormrod, Fr Martin Thomas, the Very Revd Alan Woods
On Saturday 7 September, the Very Revd Alan Woods, former Dean and Archdeacon of Gibraltar, acting as Bishop's Commissary, licensed the Revd Paul Ormrod as Chaplain of St George's Madrid. Fr Ormrod and his wife Jill come to this diocese from the diocese of Liverpool. 

St George's Madrid is a lively multicultural parish, with three Sunday services. The Reader is Celia Patterson and the Assistant Curate is the Revd Nigel Thomas. The Revd Martin Thomas, who has been living in Madrid, has also been assisting, particularly during the interregnum. The parish website is here.

We welcome Fr Paul and Jill to this diocese. 


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