The Revd John Barker at service of peace and reconciliation in Etchmiadzin

On Sunday 12 October, the Revd John Barker, our priest in Yerevan, Armenia, was privileged to be invited by His Holiness Catholicos Karekin II to attend a service of prayers for peace and reconciliation in the Middle East, and in particular in Syria. This initiative was agreed at a recent inter-faith conference that was held in Etchmiadzin.

Prayers at the service were led by His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians and His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Head of the Syriac Orthodox Church and Patriarch of Antioch and All the East.

His Holiness Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem
The cathedral at Etchmiadzin was full for the service, and the congregation included significant numbers of Ambassadors and representatives of the international community. As well as our Church of England presence, leaders of the Roman Catholic Church in Armenia were present.

His Holiness Catholicos Karekin II


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