Historic Bible restored for use in St John's Casablanca

A recent Sunday Eucharist in St John the Evangelist, Casablanca, provided a chance to use one of the historical treasures of the Church. It is the original Bible given for use in the parish over 100 years ago.

The remarkable thing about this Bible is that it was nearly destroyed when the Church was overrun and ransacked in 1907, during a rather sombre chapter in the country's history when the French were consolidating their colonial rule. It has been carefully restored and was presented to me for use by the Churchwardens, Angie and John.

It was a weighty volume for the server to carry for the Gospel procession!

St John's is home to English-speaking Christians from many foreign countries around the world. The growth in congregational life in recent years has meant that the Church Council is now looking at how to redevelop their historic property to meet the needs of the future.

The patio and gardens surrounding the Church are a peaceful oasis in the midst of this bustling city, and are much enjoyed by parishioners, young and old.



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