St Francis Tenerife South - active in ecumenical outreach

The rucksacks for the homeless are blessed
Many people think of Tenerife simply as a destination for holidays, enjoying sunshine, and sitting back and relaxing. While this is true for many, our parish of St Francis, Tenerife South, is also a place for active Christian outreach in collaboration with our ecumenical partners.

Churchwarden Barry Bott recently updated me on the joint carol service held with the Roman Catholic parish of San Blas. At that time, rucksacks, purchased and filled by the Anglican and Roman Catholic congregations were presented and will be distributed to homeless persons on the island. In each Rucksack contains basic supplies and food.

Another project is the supplying toys as gifts for distribution in a home for handicapped children, and among poorer families in Santiago del Teide.

This outreach and ecumenical collaboration is in addition, of course, to the full schedule of services in three centres in the parish. At present the parish is in vacancy and an advertisement for a new priest will be made in January with interviews on 18 March. This is an exciting parish for a priest looking for active ministry, joyful eucharistically-centred worship, a collaborative team of ordained and lay, rich ecumenical relations - as well as the natural beauty and culture of this island.

Toys for the home for handicapped children


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