Gibraltar Synod - work, study, pray then play

The largest Archdeaconry Synod in the diocese has just concluded its sessions. A sign of the good health of the archdeaconry was that only 3 absences were recorded from the clergy and lay representatives who are connected to our over 60 congregations in Morocco, Gibraltar, Spain, Portugal and Andorra.

Archdeacon Geoff Johnston preached an inspiring sermon at the closing eucharist, in which he commended three "hums" to the members present, as touchstones for their life as Christians in this Archdeaconry: Humility, Humour and Humanity. It was a busy few days, which included bible study led by the Revd Deborah Chapman of Barcelona, spiritual input from Bishop Bill Godfrey of Peru, updates on safeguarding in the Church from Safeguarding Manager Ian Carter, the diocesan strategy from David Coulston, the appointments processes in the diocese from Appointments Secretary Catherine Jackson, and vocations to Holy Orders from Canon William Gulliford the Director of Ordinands. Plus much more.

Following the closing eucharist, the synod let its hair down, with a quiz night interspersed with performances showing off the great talent of members!




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