Message of condolence to the Church of the Ascension, Munich

Fr Steven Smith
Today I sent the message below to the Revd Steven Smith, the Rector of the Church of the Ascension in Munich. His parish, while Anglican, is part of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, under their Bishop Pierre Whalon. Church of England and Episcopal congregations in Germany have a common life in what is rather like a joint deanery - the CAECG, the Council of Anglican-Episcopal Churches in Germany.

Please pray for our sisters and brothers in Munich and for Fr Steven and his community in Munich


Dear Father Steven

Yesterday across this Diocese in Europe people learned with horror and disbelief that the inhabitants of yet another European city were under attack, this time in the city you serve, Munich.

May I, on behalf of your brother and sister Anglicans from the Church of England congregations on the continent, express our deep sorrow at these recent killings of at least 9 persons. This Sunday in our services we will pray for the victims and for all who have been injured, and for all who mourn the death of their loved ones and friends. We pray that God will strengthen all who serve and minister to those affected, including you and your colleague priests and pastors in Munich.  We pray for the German authorities as they continue their investigation and for faith communities that they may draw together and not apart as a result of this atrocity.

May God's loving mercy embrace all who have died, and His comfort be felt by the injured and bereaved. And may God’s support and care be with all of you at this tragic time.

Barmherziger Herr, alle Völker sind das Werk Deiner Hände: Wende sie ab von Hass und aller Schlechtigkeit, wende sie stattdessen Dir zu, damit sie Deine Liebe erkennen. 

Your brother in Christ

Emmauskirche - the home of the Church of the Ascension, Munich


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