Prayer for Italy after the quake

In the very early morning of 24 Aug, while concluding my holiday in Canada, I learned of the devastating earthquake to hit Italy. I was able to contact Archdeacon Vickie Sims, as well as Canon Jonathan Boardman in Rome, Fr William Lister in Florence and Mother Teodora in Perugia. Thankfully it seems that no members of our communities in the areas hit by the quake have been injured or killed, but as we know, the final numbers of deaths and injured has yet to be known.

Archdeacon Simms is monitoring social media from our Church members in Pescara who are mostly from Nigeria originally, and who report that they are safe. Fr Jonathan Boardman dedicated a sung evensong in the Shrine of Santa Rita in Cascia in SW Umbria to the departed and injured. A visiting choir from St Mary Maldon was singing the service. Mother Teodora who is responsible for Italian language ministry in Perugia reports her people are praying for all the devastated communities.

Pray that the Lord will grant rest to those who perished and comfort to those who were spared. May God strengthen all efforts to rescue those still trapped and bless those who bring help and relief.



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