Sharon Grant now licensed as a Reader in Costa Brava

Reader Sharon Grant
On Sunday 18 June, Sharon Grant was licensed as a Reader (Licensed Lay Minister) to serve the Anglican Church in the Costa Brava. The service took place in the ancient, (probably 13th century), Church of St Stephen, in Madremanya, At the festive eucharist, 5 persons were also confirmed, and one received into the communion of the Church of England.

A wonderful lunch rounded off the day at the parish house in Corçà. Somehow, the parishioners found out it was my birthday, too!

The Anglican Church of Costa Brava was formally constituted in 2012 and its first priest, the Revd Anne Jenkins appointed. Sharon now joins the ministry team as a licensed lay minister serving this active parish which meets in 4 different locations in the beautiful part of Catalunya.

The entrance to the parish house patio

The parish puts great emphasis on the welcome offered to everyone. This welcome is summed up in this statement on their website:
"We are a very mixed group of people trying to follow the way of Jesus and respond to his call to love God, ourselves and others by exploring the meaning of God’s love for all people – women and men, young and old, gay or straight. We are from a variety of backgrounds, we are all different ages, we have very varied lifestyles and we delight in our God given diversity. Whoever you are, whether you live here all the time, come from time to time or are here on holiday, you would be welcome to come and join us on a Sunday or for one of our events during the year". 

An excellent video tells the history and vision of this chaplaincy with some moving testimonies of parishioners about why they have made this Church their home:


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