Archbishop of Palermo at Italy / Malta Synod, a historic moment

Archbishop Lorefice with some of the Archdeaconry clergy
The Italy/Malta Synod was held from 25-28 September in Palermo, Sicily. The theme, "Welcoming, Invitation and Hospitality" was explored through bible studies, plenary sessions and through chaplaincies sharing highlights from their community life. One of the features of this archdeaconry is the fact that some churches are located in places with large numbers of visitors and pilgrims (such as Venice, Florence and Rome). We also recognised that a common feature across the Archdeaconry (and the diocese) is that by and large our members are migrants; that is to say that most of our members come from "somewhere else". Many of our churches in Italy and Malta are exploring how their communities can be a home and a place of welcome for newer waves of migrants who are settling in these countries, from places other than the UK. There is a special charism in being a migrant church.  

During the synod a presentation was also heard on "thy Kingdom Come", the novena of prayer between Ascension and Pentecost, originally a Church of England initiative, but now a global ecumenical phenomenon. The new Diocesan Secretary, Mr Andrew Caspari, also was present at this his first synod of this Archdeaconry.  

Archbishop Corrado Lorefice
We were blessed with the visit of the Archbishop of Palermo, Corrado Lorefice, who graciously agreed to be our preacher at one of the masses during the synod. His Excellency gave an inspiring sermon on the Eucharist, linking the sacred meal to our Christian calling to provide the Bread of Justice in the world. I believe that this was the first occasion when a Roman Catholic Archbishop has preached at one of our synods. A very positive sign of our growing together as Anglicans and Roman Catholics.

The synod was not all work. A pub quiz organised concluded the meeting, with a very humble team emerging as winner. 


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