Canon Dr Gary Wilton elected to General Synod from the Diocese

A vacancy in our delegates to General Synod was created by the resignation of the Revd Canon Ian Hutchinson-Cervantes, who is leaving St George's Madrid in September, to take up a new post in Chichester diocese. The Presiding Officer for elections in the diocese, Mr Aiden Hargreaves-Smith, has confirmed that the  vacancy been filled by the Revd Canon Dr Gary Wilton (pictured above).

Canon Wilton is the Archbishop of Canterbury's Representative to the EU, and is an assistant priest at Holy Trinity Pro-Cathedral in Brussels. He joins the remaining 3 delegates, the Revd Canon Debbie Flach, Canon Ann Turner, and Mrs Madeleine Holmes.

We thank Canon Hutchinson-Cervantes for serving the diocese in this way for the last year and a half, and pray for Canon Wilton as he takes up this representative role.


  1. We can only hope that Canon Gary Wilton will remember when he votes at the forthcoming Synod, that many members of the congregation at Holy Trinity Brussels would vote firmy NO2Womenbishops, unless firm commitments are made to honour and respect their conviction by appropriate canonical measures.


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