"Time for Creation" is approaching

A reminder that the Church of England, including this Diocese in Europe, has endorsed the observance of a "Time for Creation", which runs from 1 September to 4 October. 1 September is the first day of the church year for the Orthodox Christians who start that day with a commemoration of how God created the world. 4 October is the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, when many western Churches, including the Church of England commemorate St Francis of Assisi, a lover of God's creation. St Francis is the author of a famous Canticle which is found in our Common Worship: Daily Prayer, as Canticle 85 on age 641.

During this "time of creation" we are encouraged to give particular focus to environmental issues. This year the focus is sustainable energy. The World Council of Churches has assembled a list of resources for sermon and liturgy preparation, including material suitable for Harvest Festivals. They can be accessed here. 

Our Diocesan Environmental Officer, Madeleine Holmes, can also provide you with other information on “Time for Creation” or on any matter related to the Church’s focus on care for the natural environment. Madeleine can be reached here.


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