The Revd Stephen Hazlett: new Port Chaplain in Rotterdam

On 19 August, the Reverend Stephen Hazlett was licensed to the position of Port Chaplain for the Missions to Seafarers, Rotterdam. Fr Hazlett, originally from Belfast, has most recently been serving as an industrial chaplain, based at Sunderland Minster in the Diocese of Durham. Stephen will be very busy:  Rotterdam is the largest and busiest port in Europe. But he will also give occasional service to St Mary's Church in Rotterdam. We welcome Stephen and his wife Hazel to his new position with Mission to Seafarers within our Diocese.


  1. Could you please pass on to Stephen my warmest welcome to the port chaplaincy family. He may remember me as one of the SCIM team of workplace chaplains, from which I graduated to being a port chaplain with the Saiolrs Society working in Dundee, Montrose and Perth. I have been doing this since 2005, and am now paid to do two days a week but give them the other three for nothing because I love the w'work' so much. I opened a Centre at Montrose in 2008 and it is open every day, manned entirely by volunteers from the local churches.
    If Stephen wants to get in touch I am at Thank you!


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