Anglican Church in Costa Brava: new work, new vocations, new parsonage

The Anglican Church in the Costa Brava is a relatively new parish in the diocese. Services were begun in the ancient church of St Stephen in Madremanya (pictured above). They continue there but now two other worship centres have been opened in the pastoral area, in Pau (not the French one!) and Penedes. The parish website is here.

Due to the generous hospitality of the Roman Catholic diocese of Girona we have use of their churches for our Anglican services.

As the parish grows numerically, the spiritual life is also deepening. A person is presently training for Reader ministry, and another is in the process of discernment for Holy Orders. The priest-in-charge is the Revd Anne Jenkins. Recently 3 persons were presented to me for Confirmation.

The parish has a pattern of a shared lunch after the Sunday eucharist in Madremanya, which is typically abundant in true Catalunyan style, with some excellent local wine to accompany.

Recently a new rented parsonage has been found, which offers rooms for parish use and a patio which will be enjoyed by parishioners in the summer, to cater these events, as well as providing private accommodation for the priest. Parts of the parsonage are several centuries old!

One of the confirmands, Ursula Glieneke, is an artist (and a theologian) and is preparing for an exhibition of her work in Germany. Here is a link to her blog about her work.


  1. Great to see an example of a church in our diocese growing and developing. I especially was intrigued by the theologian/artist. How does she interface with the congregation. Is her work and presence a stimulus to personal growth and deeper commitment to Christ?


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