St Andrew's Costa del Sol East: the first 25 years celebrated in a festive weekend.

Fr Alaric Lewis and Mrs Peachie Elliot
25 years ago the Church of St Andrew, Fuengirola, was consecrated by Bishop John Satterthwaite, as a centre for the growing parish of Costa del Sol East, Spain. As existing Church of England buildings in mainland Spain were all dedicated to St George - in Madrid, Malaga and Barcelona - the then chaplain of Costa del Sol East, the Revd Ronald Matheson who spearheaded the building project, and of Scots extraction, decided that it was time to name a Church after the patron of Scotland!

One of St Andrew's senior parishioners Mrs Peachie Elliot (95) joined close to a hundred others who were present at the reception / party which was held on Saturday 17 January to mark the 25th anniversary. Former priests who have served as chaplains of Costa del Sol East were present for the anniversary weekend: Fr Ronald Matheson, Fr David Wright, Fr David Sutch, as well as Fr Hywell Davies who is the present locum priest.

They were joined by the Revd Alaric Lewis. Fr Alaric is about to become the next chaplain in Costa del Sol East, and will be moving to the parish in February. It was an excellent opportunity for him to meet his future parishioners and to begin to get a sense of the dynamic of the parish, now on the cusp of a new chapter in its life, under his leadership. Fittingly, he will be moving into a new vicarage, which bears the name Casa de la Esperanza, The House of Hope.


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