Farewell to Lotte, hello to Emma

Lotte Hiller and Emma Biaggi (with Diocesan Secretary Adrian Mumford)
A little "do" was held in our Tufton Street, Westminster Offices this week, to thank Lotte Hiller for her work for the past 2 years supporting our Appointments Secretary, Catherine Jackson. Lotte is handing over the reins to Emma Biaggi, who is now working with Catherine on matters to do with appointments, locum priests and clergy with Permission to Officiate. Emma knows our diocese well, having been a member of St George's Paris for many years,

Lotte is leaving us but not going far. She is working across the river at Lambeth Palace on the Archbishop of Canterbury's staff.

Catherine runs a very busy and active office. At any given time, there are about 40 vacancies in congregations of the diocese. Over 400 priests are on our "locum list".

Appointments Secretary Catherine Jackson


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