Christ Church Vienna responds to refugee arrivals


As refugees make their way across Europe our parishes along the way are on hand to give support and assistance. By know many readers of this blog will know of Anglicans in Athens and Budapest who are responding to the crisis. Also last Saturday in Vienna, members of Christ Church, our Church of England congregation there headed to the Meanwhile, on Saturday in Vienna many people headed to the Westbahnhof in the city to help the refugees coming over from Hungary by taking food and clothing or by giving families a place to shower and have a rest before the next leg of their journey.

Christ Church has been collecting money to support the work of Diakonie in Traiskirchen (a local Church charity) as well as supporting the Anglican Chaplaincy relief work in Athens.

The Venerable Patrick Curran is the chaplain of Christ Church (and currently Archdeacon of the East). The Revd Mike Waltner is the assistant curate.



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