The border crossing, Greece to FYRO Macedonia |
'How can we put Matthew 25 into action across Europe?' This was the question that the delegation from the Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) discussed in a meeting with partners from the Greek Orthodox Church, Evangelical Churches, the UNHCR and the Anglican Chaplaincy. 'The church is the world's biggest NGO; and the preservation of human dignity for the refugees our common denominator', was one of the affirmations that underlined the strong role for the Churches in the midst of this crisis. 'We need to go back to our roots; if we are not caring for and loving our brothers and sisters, what is the point?'
Archimandrite Ignatios of the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece |
A powerful unity emerged during the meeting and a shared vision of working together to preserve human dignity and save lives. A future partnership is being forged dedicated to the spiritual and moral shared duties of protecting God given human rights.
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