St Margaret's Budapest: parishioners respond to refugee crisis in Hungary

Refugees in Budapest
The refugee and migrant crisis deepens as people continue to flee war-torn lands seeking safety and security in European lands. In recent days, the spotlight has been on Hungary where many refugees have arrived after travelling through Turkey, Greece, Macedonia and Serbia.

The Revd Dr Frank Hegedus, the priest-in-charge of St Margaret's Anglican-Episcopal parish in Budapest, has written to his parishioners and friends of the parish, to indicate how St Margaret's community is doing its part to assist in the current crisis. In his communication Fr Frank writes of one of the members of St Margaret's who grows apples for a living, who is donating some of his harvest for distribution to the refugees. The parish will be collecting additional donations for distribution, pre-packaged food, and personal hygiene products and bottled water, particularly.

Fr Frank with parishioners of St Margaret's
St Margaret's is collaborating with Migration Aid, a volunteer civil initiative which has been established to help refugees arriving in Hungary. Volunteers with this agency help in meeting refugees, giving them food, drink and information about their onward journey.

Migration Aid cannot accept money directly. However, they are able to accept donations through the bank account of Mikszáth Pharmacy bank account (Egészségért Foundation). This pharmacy has been supporting their work with pharmaceutical supplies. (Though refugees are entitled for free basic health care services, they need to pay for medicines, and first aid products).

Here are account details if you wish to make a donation to this work of Migration Aid in Hungary:

  Beneficiary name: Mikszáth Gyógyszertár az Egészségért Alapítvány
  Comment: Migration Aid
  Bank account number: 10918001-00000067-39140008
  Name of the bank: UniCredit Bank Hungary
  Address of the bank: 1054 Budapest, Szabadság tér 5-6., Hungary
  IBAN: HU69 1091 8001 0000 0067 3914 0008

If you send a donation, please send an e-mail to with the amount you have given, so that the agency can also keep track of the donations.


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