Children's First Communion in St Andrew's Pau

On Sunday 5 December 14 children were admitted to Holy Communion in St Andrew’s Pau.  Many parishioners are from Nigeria and they prepared a festive celebration after the service which included singing in Igbo and English and a hot lunch with traditional Nigerian dishes, French wines and even Nigerian palm wine!  
Pictured below are the new communicants together with John Errey (reader in training), Irene Brindle (reader) and Fr Ian Naylor.

As usual when music and good food and refreshment are available, some spontaneous dancing ensued!

In the Church of England baptised children who have not been confirmed and who are not yet "ready and desirous to be confirmed" as required by canon law may be admitted to Holy Communion under certain conditions. In the Diocese in Europe there is a straightforward procedure if a Church is interested in this possibility. I then grant permission to the chaplaincy or congregation to implement this pastoral provision.

Of course, any children previously admitted to Holy Communion in any part of the Church continue to receive even in a congregation where this is not the practice.

Information about admission of children to Holy Communion before Confirmation in this diocese can be sought from my chaplain Deacon Frances Hiller.


  1. What month do children do their 1st Holy Communion in the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland?

  2. Not a question I can answer, Gardening Magazines, as I am neither Roman Catholic nor in Scotland! Perhaps another reader has an idea?


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