Ecumenical Vignette from Strasbourg

The Revd Christine Bloomfield is the Assistant Curate at St Alban's in Strasbourg, a city with a rich ecclesiastical history. She writes of her ecumenical experience:

I was asked to be a candidate for the Women’s World Day of Prayer, France, and was duly elected at the Annual General Meeting in October. I am the only Anglican on the Committee. I hope to build up relations and understanding between the denominations in this re. The AGM was a heart-warming and joyful experience with a great sense of Christian fellowship between women of different denominations. The fact that I am an Anglican priest is encouraging and exciting for Catholic women especially. This is a movement which I find quite wonderful and as it is fundamentally ecumenical with a powerful reality of Christian solidarity world wide I feel that it is a perfect opportunity for Anglicans to work and to pray with other denominations where we live.


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