Ecumenical Vignette from Paris

The Reverend Elaine Labourel is a priest working in Versailles and Gif sur Yvette to the west of Paris. She writes of her ecumenical engagement:

The Institut Supérieur des Etudes Oecuméniques is part of the Institut Catholique de Paris and you can take a two year diploma there in ecumenical studies and guess who teaches the module on Anglicanism – me! It’s great fun – usually about 30 students, RCs, L’Eglise Réformée, Orthodox, and cuddly charismatics and a few Evangelicals – all coming together to learn from and about each other. It’s an amazing and wonderfully fulfilling experience to get a glimpse of the Body of Christ. The Institut Catholique  has asked me to preach at the Eucharist during the week for Christian Unity in January, which is quite something.


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