Women Clergy and Ecumenical Experience in Europe

We are in the midst of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity which runs from 18 - 25 January. The Diocese in Europe has an explicit ecumenical commitment written into our regulations and guidelines: “this Diocese [has] a particular obligation and opportunity to contribute towards the full visible unity of the one Church of Jesus Christ”.

Many people from outside the diocese ask me about how the ministry of our women priests affects our ecumenical relations, particularly in Roman Catholic and Orthodox majority countries. I can say that all our clergy, men and women, operate with an impressive ecumenical commitment and sensitivity, and serve the Church's call to unity with dedication. This clearly contributes to an overwhelmingly positive experience of ecumenical relations.

But in terms of the work of our women clergy, I thought that this week, if I have time, I would post a handful of brief vignettes from actual testimonies and reports. They point to a rich experience of ecumenical relations, with Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran and Reformed partners.


  1. Lovely idea.

    Thanks for taking the time to do this small project depicting our women in ministry in the context of ecumenism - so important to what we do and who we are.


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