Archdeacon Jonathan Boardman lectures in Florence in the "Anglican Miracles" series at St Mark's
The Archdeacon of Italy and Malta, pondering a point The parish of St Mark's Florence has been hosting a series of public lectures on the Anglican Tradition with the intriguing title, "Miracles of Anglicanism". As I was already in Florence on Diocesan Board of Finance business last week, I was able to hear one of the lectures given by the Archdeacon of Italy & Malta, the Venerable Jonathan Boardman. He examined the issues often asked about Anglicans particularly with the ordination or women to the priesthood, and now, in the Church of England, to the episcopate. His lecture was very engaging, and provoked an interesting discussion following. Fr Jonathan drew on references to three Florences, an ingenious approach given the location. The three were the Revd Florence Li Tim Oi, who was ordained to the priesthood in Hong Kong in 1944, Florence Nightingale, a spiritual director to many men, and Florence Margaret (Stevie) Smith, the poet. St Mark's, Florence ...