
Showing posts from January, 2015

Copenhagen continues its unique ecumenical celebration in Unity Week

In the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, the annual Ecumenical Church Walk took place in Copenhagen. More than 800 hundred people walked together through the city visiting and worshipping in churches of different denominations as a sign of Christian unity. The walk began in St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and included visits to the Methodist Church, the Russian Orthodox Cathedral, the Roman Catholic Cathedral, St. Alban’s Anglican Church (where was held two shortened versions of traditional Evensong) and the Swedish Church where a joint act of worship concluded the evening. The Ecumenical Church Walk for Christian Unity was started by the Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius and this 61st consecutive annual walk in Copenhagen is the oldest of its kind in Europe. The Diocesan Director of Training, the Revd Canon Ulla Monberg, who lives in Copenhagen, has been on the organising committee of this ecumenical event for many years. It was a good opportunity for her to be able to in

A view from Athens on the recent election in Greece

What is the feeling on the streets of Athens, following the elections in Greece on Sunday, at which the leader of the leftist Syriza party has emerged as Prime Minister? The Revd Canon Malcolm Bradshaw, Senior Chaplain of the Anglican Church in Greece has written with some impressions. "There is a sense of elation on the streets. The voice of the ‘people’ has surfaced declaring a strong and defiant ‘no’ to more austerity and the humiliation that has accompanied it. Much hope that better days are to emerge – even to the point that those who have lost employment in the civil service (thought to be totally over bloated) – will have their jobs restored; pensioners hope that their pensions will be restored to pre austerity levels; electricity will be restored to those cut off; a call has gone to all young adults (educated and able) who have migrated to other lands for employment to return to the motherland. The new government seems to be wanting to return the country to pre-austerit

Anglican Church in Costa Brava: new work, new vocations, new parsonage

The Anglican Church in the Costa Brava is a relatively new parish in the diocese. Services were begun in the ancient church of St Stephen in Madremanya (pictured above). They continue there but now two other worship centres have been opened in the pastoral area, in Pau (not the French one!) and Penedes. The parish website is here . Due to the generous hospitality of the Roman Catholic diocese of Girona we have use of their churches for our Anglican services. As the parish grows numerically, the spiritual life is also deepening. A person is presently training for Reader ministry, and another is in the process of discernment for Holy Orders. The priest-in-charge is the Revd Anne Jenkins. Recently 3 persons were presented to me for Confirmation. The parish has a pattern of a shared lunch after the Sunday eucharist in Madremanya, which is typically abundant in true Catalunyan style, with some excellent local wine to accompany. Recently a new rented parsonage has been found

Canon Nathaniel in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, in Rome

Fr Currer, Fr Nathaniel, Bishop Farrell This Week of Prayer for Christian Unity was a significant one for the Revd Canon Dr Leslie Nathaniel, the Archbishop's Ecumenical Officer and canon of this diocese. He was in Rome with me for some ecumenical meetings, and was able to have some fruitful conversations at the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, with the Revd Tony Currer, who is responsible for Anglican Relations, and with the Secretary of the Council, Bishop Brian Farrell. Eucharist at the Anglican Centre in Rome Fr Leslie presided at the Tuesday Eucharist at the Anglican Centre in Rome, and had a chance to meet people from around the world and from many Church traditions who came to the Centre for this service during Unity Week. He was also able to have a brief conversation with the Pope, following the General Audience on Wednesday.

Farewell to Lotte, hello to Emma

Lotte Hiller and Emma Biaggi (with Diocesan Secretary Adrian Mumford) A little "do" was held in our Tufton Street, Westminster Offices this week, to thank Lotte Hiller for her work for the past 2 years supporting our Appointments Secretary, Catherine Jackson. Lotte is handing over the reins to Emma Biaggi, who is now working with Catherine on matters to do with appointments, locum priests and clergy with Permission to Officiate. Emma knows our diocese well, having been a member of St George's Paris for many years, Lotte is leaving us but not going far. She is working across the river at Lambeth Palace on the Archbishop of Canterbury's staff. Catherine runs a very busy and active office. At any given time, there are about 40 vacancies in congregations of the diocese. Over 400 priests are on our "locum list". Appointments Secretary Catherine Jackson

Archbishop of Canterbury's Ecumenical Secretary at Evensong in St Paul's Outside the Walls, Rome

The Revd Canon Dr Leslie Nathaniel is a canon of this diocese, and has a dual role for the Church of England: European Ecumenical Secretary for the Council for Christian Unity, and the Archbishop of Canterbury's International Ecumenical Secretary. I was with Canon Nathaniel this past week in Rome for some ecumenical meetings. As this was during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity we were able to attend a service of Anglican Evensong sung by the Choir of All Saints Rome at the Basilica of St Paul's Outside the Walls. This Basilica, founded by the Emperor Constantine I, is built over the burial place of St Paul the Apostle. His tomb lies under the high altar. St Paul's Outside the Walls has a particular role in hosting ecumenical events. Abbot Edmund Power (left) with some of his monks The Basilica is also home to a community of Benedictine monks. Abbot Edmund Power and his brothers hosted the Anglican parish choir for evensong, and put on a splendid reception f

Celebrations in church and at lunch - St Andrew's Fuengirola 25th anniversary

The 25th anniversary of the dedication of St Andrew's, Fuengirola, Costa del Sol East, was a time for many of the former clergy as well as the parish Readers, and, unusually, the future priest to gather for the celebration. I hope that it was a useful time for the Revd Alaric Lewis (3rd from left above) to see what shoes he has to fill! A following the festive eucharist of thanksgiving on 19 January, over 50 parishioners continued the celebrations in a local restaurant. St Andrew's in Fuengirola is one of 5 worship centres in the Costa del Sol East pastoral area, a region of outstanding beauty on the Mediterranean.

St Andrew's Costa del Sol East: the first 25 years celebrated in a festive weekend.

Fr Alaric Lewis and Mrs Peachie Elliot 25 years ago the Church of St Andrew, Fuengirola, was consecrated by Bishop John Satterthwaite, as a centre for the growing parish of Costa del Sol East, Spain. As existing Church of England buildings in mainland Spain were all dedicated to St George - in Madrid, Malaga and Barcelona - the then chaplain of Costa del Sol East, the Revd Ronald Matheson who spearheaded the building project, and of Scots extraction, decided that it was time to name a Church after the patron of Scotland! One of St Andrew's senior parishioners Mrs Peachie Elliot (95) joined close to a hundred others who were present at the reception / party which was held on Saturday 17 January to mark the 25th anniversary. Former priests who have served as chaplains of Costa del Sol East were present for the anniversary weekend: Fr Ronald Matheson, Fr David Wright, Fr David Sutch, as well as Fr Hywell Davies who is the present locum priest. They were joined by the Revd Alar

Feast of Our Lord's Baptism in Madrid: celebrated with Confirmations

In St George's Madrid, on the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord, several young persons and adults were confirmed. It was an auspicious day for confirmation, as central to that apostolic rite is the renewal of baptismal vows and the commemoration of our own baptism. In most places that renewal of baptismal vows begins with a procession of the candidates to the place where our Christian life begins, the font. There the words of the Apostles Creed are recited, an ancient summary of the faith which has been used in the Western Church for more than 1600 years at baptism services. To commemorate their baptism the candidates then dip a hand hands into the water and sign themselves with the cross, a vivid reminder that through their baptism they belong to Christ, the one who, although sinless, entered the waters of the Jordan, as a sign of solidarity with the human race. Martin Luther, the Protestant Reformer, urged people always to remember their baptism, by making the sign of the c

Commemortion of Martyrdom of St Thomas Becket - in Hungary

The relics of English Saint and Martyr, Archbishop Thomas Becket, are kept with great reverence at Esztergom, the primatial see of Hungary just north of Budapest.  According to legend, the relics were brought there following Becket's death by his friend and fellow primate, Cardinal Lukács Bánffy. Each year in the week following Becket's feast day on December 29, the Sándor Rudnay Foundation of Hungary, under the direction of Bishop László Kiss-Rigó of Szeged, organises prayers at the Chapel of Saint Thomas Becket as well as a series of lectures.  This year's programme topic was: "Christian Roots, European Identity." The Revd Dr Frank Hegedűs, Anglican chaplain in Budapest, represented the Saint Margaret's community at the event and gave one of the blessings. British Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission to Hungary, Theresa Bubbear, was one of the featured lecturers.

Fr Ebrahim: ordained priest in Ankara

On the Feast of St Basil of Caesarea and St Gregory Nazianzus, 2 January, in St Nicholas Church, Ankara, Fr Ebrahim was ordained to the priesthood. He serves as an honorary assistant priest in St Nicholas's Church, which has a growing ministry among refugees from many neighbouring countries such as Iran, Iraq and Syria. Fr Ebrahim was ordained deacon in his native Iran. The Diocese of Iran is part of the Anglican Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East. Iran was likely the country from which the Magi (in Farsi majousian ) came who visited the Christ Child. Christian presence in Iran dates back to the earliest days of the Church. In the Acts of the Apostles (2.9) it is mentioned that on the Day of Pentecost, there were at Jerusalem Parthians, Medes, Elamites and inhabitants of Mesopotamia. All these were peoples from the Persian empire of that day. There is a tradition that St Thomas preached the Gospel to the Parthians, and perhaps stayed some time in what is now Iran, befor

Christ Church Kiev celebrates Christmas with a priest this year

Christmas at Christ Church, Kiev The Anglican Church in Kiev, Christ Church, a very international congregation in the Ukrainian capital, is determined to continue its regular life despite not having had a priest-in-charge for several years. At this time they are greatly helped by the presence in Kiev of the Revd Blair Carlson. Blair is an Anglican priest, ordained in Chichester diocese, who founded an organisation called GoodWORD. This is an agency   which works with national Christian leaders in several regions of the world, supporting them with training for contextual outreach and evangelism. Blair is presently in Ukraine working with local Churches in training events across the country. He has extensive international experience. He was born of missionary parents in China. For many years he worked with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. I have given Blair Permission to Officiate and he is providing much needed priestly leadership in Christ Church. This year, he led the