The Revd Canon Mel Smith Licensed in Mallorca

On 29 June, the Revd Robert Ellis, Chaplain of Mallorca , duly commissioned by the bishop, licensed the Reverend Canon Willam Melvyn (Mel) Smith, as Assistant Chaplain in the Anglican Church of Mallorca . There are three Anglican congregations on the island, St Philip and St James in Palma de Mallorca , St Andrew's in Puerto Pollensa , and Santa Maria del Mar in Cala d'Or . As Assistant Chaplain, Fr Mel will be responsible for work in the north of the island, centred in Puerto Pollensa . The above photo shows a gathering for a few drinks in the Bar Cultural after the licensing. The Eucharist was in the RC Church of Nuestra Señora del Carmen where worship is held each Sunday. (Left to right: Reader Linda Cade , Ibiza Chaplain Bob Short, retired priest Roy Greenwood, Mel and Kasia Smith, Congregational Wardens Mary Payne and Geoff Thomas, Mallorca Chaplain Robert Ellis). Fr Mel has served as the Diocesan Stewardship and Resources Officer of the Diocese of Worc...