Liturgical formation for curates at Post Ordination Training

Canon Monberg (centre) with our curates
All newly ordained clergy or curates in the Church of England must complete what is known as IME 4 - 7, a period of 3 - 4 years when further training is given. This is also known as Post Ordination Training or POT. The Revd Canon Ulla Monberg, the Diocesan Director of Ministerial Development, is the staff person responsible for our own IME 4 - 7 programme in this Diocese in Europe.

Our curates recently participated in a POT seminar focussing on the Church's liturgy. At the end of the years of curacy our priests and deacons are required to demonstrate solid rootedness in the liturgical traditions and practices of the Church of England, and to use their gifts and abilities in leading public worship in a variety of settings. In addition the curates are to show an understanding of the insights and practices of the liturgies and traditions of ecumenical partners.

Canon Monberg was assisted in this recent IME session by the Revd Canon William Gulliford, the Director of Ordinands; the Revd Dr Ben Gordon-Taylor, our Diocesan Liturgical Advisor and Dean of Chapel and Lecturer in Liturgy at the College of the Resurrection, Mirfield;  the Revd Canon Dr Julie Gittoes, a residentiary canon at Guildford Cathedral; and the Revd Steve Beak, a parish priest who teaches worship for curates in the Guildford Diocese and for the Arrow Leadership Course.

Dr Ben Gordon-Taylor (4th from rt) with Canon Monberg and curates
Practical liturgical skills were shared at the seminar, such as how to conduct weddings. Fr William "presided" at a typical marriage service, with model bride and groom the Revds April Almaas and Mike Waltner, (Canon Monberg was a bridesmaid!)

On the Sunday the IME group was warmly welcomed from the pulpit of Guildford Cathedral where they attended the Eucharist. Our current curates are serving in Paris, Aquitaine, Vienna, Trondheim, Athens and Istanbul. 


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