A new Bishop of London - Bishop Angaelos! Axios!

Bishop Angaelos enthroned by Metropolitans of the Coptic Orthodox Church
On 18th of November His Grace Bishop Angaelos was enthroned as the Coptic Bishop of London at St. George Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Stevenage. This was in effect also the establishment of the Diocese of London for the Coptic Church, with Bishop Angaelos now its first diocesan bishop.

Many ecumenical guests attended this 3 1/2 hour service, marking what was a historic occasion for this ancient Church. The first Coptic parish in Europe was founded in London in 1954. Since then, the Church has grown to over 20,000 faithful in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Deacon Frances Hiller, Aiden Hargreaves-Smith joined me in representing our Diocese.

Bishop Angaelos described his 22 years serving his Church in the UK as "the longest engagement ever". He is now officially "married" to his new diocese, and as he said, "they have me for life!"

I am privileged to count Bishop Angaelos as a friend and a close collaborator in ecumenical work and endeavour.  We pray God's blessing on this new stage of his ministry and for this new diocese.


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