MES interns will explore Anglican Identity over the next 9 months

MES interns at All Saints, Rome
Dr Clare Amos, the Diocesan Director of Discipleship, also directs the MES programme of the diocese (the Ministry Experience Scheme, formerly known as CEMES, the Church of England Ministry Experience Scheme). We have 5 interns on placement for this academic year, in Brussels, Vienna, Copenhagen, Rome and Warnham Sussex (the intern is from Heidelberg). Together with their supporting advisors and mentors, Clare brought the interns to Rome recently for their official orientation to the programme.

Pastoral Advisor Mary Talbot and Dr Amos taking a drink from a fountain in Rome. (The figure in the fountain is damaged as it was believed (mistakenly) that it was Martin Luther, not a popular figure in 16th century Rome.)
At the PCPCU in Rome
The orientation in Rome included a visit to the PCPCU, the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, where Bishop Brian Farrell, the Secretary of the Council met with the interns and their advisors.

In terms of the theological areas to be explored over the next 9 months, Dr Amos has decided that given the context of the Diocese in Europe, and the varied nature and backgrounds of the candidates, to focus on the issue of Anglican identity. Clare says, "Apart from being valuable in itself, it would be beneficial to any interns going forward eventually on the ordination process, where the ‘Why are you an Anglican?’ question is likely to be asked of some of them".

The ‘Signposts statement’ which was developed by a working group in the Anglican Communion about 10 years ago, suggests four elements of the ‘The Anglican Way’ which will figure in the theological programme:
  • Formed by Scripture
  • Shaped through Worship
  • Ordered for Communion
  • Directed by God’s Mission

A video has been produced by the Revd Dr Robert Kinney and Mr George O'Mahony to introduce the interns to the diocese and to let them share some of their hopes for their participation in the scheme. It is here:


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